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Virginia Flag

Virginia State Flag: History, Design and Significance


The Virginia State Flag features the Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia on a dark blue field. It was designed in 1861 when Virginia seceded from the Union during the Civil War and officially re-adopted in 1912.

History and Design

The Seal of Virginia, which is depicted on the flag. was likely designed by jurist George Wythe in 1776, drawing inspiration from a book on heraldry.

The seal portrays Virtus, the Roman goddess of virtue. She is clothed in a flowing robe and stands on a pedestal inscribed with "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS" ("Thus always to tyrants"), a motto adopted by the state in its early history.

Symbolism and Significance

Virtus represents the virtues of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including courage, strength, and justice.

The dark blue background symbolizes the state's naval heritage and its connection to the Chesapeake Bay.

The flag is a symbol of Virginia's history, traditions, and values, and is flown prominently at government buildings, schools, and other public places.
