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Stampede: Definition and Meaning

Origin of the Word "Stampede"

The word "stampede" originates from the Spanish word "estampida," meaning a sudden, noisy flight. It was first used in the 16th century to describe the panicked flight of cattle.

Characteristics of a Stampede

A stampede is a sudden, uncontrolled flight of a large group of animals, usually triggered by fear or panic. It can also occur among humans during emergency situations.

Stampedes are characterized by:

  • Mass movement of individuals
  • Heightened fear and panic
  • Loss of coordination and rational behavior
  • Potential for injuries and fatalities


Stampedes remain a significant safety concern worldwide, highlighting the need for proper crowd management and preparedness measures. By understanding the characteristics and potential risks associated with stampedes, we can work towards preventing their occurrence and mitigating their impact.
